Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – A Prayer & A Blessing

Mary Magdala Community

A Prayer

Gracious God, you create us and love us; you make us to live in a community.  We thank you for Martin Luther King, Jr. and all your children who have been filled with the vision of justice and who have worked to bring that vision into reality.

Guide us to live by your vision, working to build the beloved community where everyone is welcomed, all are valued, power is shared, privilege is no more, and all your children know wholeness and well-being.    Through Jesus Christ we pray.   Amen.

A Blessing

May God bless us with a discomfort for easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships so that we will live deep within our hearts.

May God bless us with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people so that we will work for justice, equity, and peace.

And may God bless us with the foolishness to think we can make a difference in the world so that we will do things that others say cannot be done.    Amen!

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