Who We Are
“We are a people of the Word seeking deeper spirituality by gathering in a welcoming, inclusive, progressive and safe community. ”
“We celebrate Eucharistic ministry where all are loved as the children of God and all creation is recognized as holy.”
“We are forming our adult consciences by Jesus’ Gospel of Love by following the Spirit, by opening wider the windows of Vatican II, and by awareness of our conscious evolution.”
“We are a pilgrim people co-creating in the kin_dom of God here on earth by working for peace and justice.”
“We are Catholics growing our church through inclusive, progressive and safe Eucharistic community. Here all are welcome, all are equal, and all minister as God calls.”
“The ministry we share in our Community is about equality and service.”
“We live our identity through Ministry Circles of Liturgy, Spirituality, Social Justice Outreach, Administration and Finance.”
“We welcome you to worship, friendship, and discipleship as equal companions on our spiritual journey of living the Gospel.”
Why we Came
“Wanted to find an inclusive community.”
“A hunger for a deeper experience, something that was real to contemporary social issues, a liturgy respectful of women.”
“Could no longer tolerate the tone deafness of my parish.”
“Disillusionment with the current Church, wanted something more inclusive, a smaller community.”
“Because I can’t wait for equality to happen in the Catholic Church.”
“Eager for the simplicity. No miters, etc.”
“Women and married priests-inclusiveness.”
“An inclusive community in Jesus’ way.”
“A church that “lives Jesus.”
“Because I had stopped going to the Catholic Church and was looking for a place to worship.”
Why We Stay
“Because I felt welcomed.”
“I feel nurtured spiritually.”
“I like the sense of community.”
“I found peace.”
“Because of the freedom to live without oppression; because of stimulation on all levels, feeling and intellect.”
“The significance the community places on social issues, the quality of the liturgy – it’s real & meaningful vs. formal, non-relational traditional script, the community as spiritual seekers.”
“Because I get so much out of the Liturgy.”
“I feel I have found my Church again, and to give me hope.”
“I love the sense of community, inclusion, forgiveness, and a woman priest.”
“Comfort, warmth, sense of belonging and opportunity to participate. Small enough to know each other like family.”