About Us
All are welcome!
Worship Place & Time
Sunday at 10:00 a.m. CDT
The congregation at Christ Church (United Church of Christ), 915 E. Oklahoma Ave., Milwaukee 53207. When you come for worship, please enter on the Lenox St. side (West side) of the church.
Hybrid worship in person and on ZOOM every Sunday.
To join us online, contact us for the access information. To keep all safe, in-person attendance requires vaccinations.
Weather related cancellations for in-person mass will be posted on this website
We are faithful Catholics committed to living our progressive, Vatican II spirituality as an inclusive Catholic Eucharistic community, where all are welcome, all are equal, and all are ministers of the Church.
All are welcome to share Eucharist at our communion table because we “live Jesus” in our practice of inclusivity and acceptance of all people.
What we believe
We are an inclusive, Vatican II Eucharistic community of faithful Catholics who believe:
- That all are welcome
- That no one is excluded from the Eucharistic table for any reason, because no one is ever excluded from God’s love
- That living according to an informed conscience is every Catholic’s responsibility and right
- That transparency and equality, inclusiveness and hospitality are the foundation of a worshiping community
- That loving service and outreach to others is how we “live Jesus”
- That the royal priesthood of the baptized must be recognized, celebrated as the basis for a discipleship of equals.
The Second Ecumenical Council, (often referred to as Vatican Il), resulted in the vision of Church is a communion of the faithful, who live out the religious liberty so treasured by the leaders of the Council, to be God’s people, faithful, sacramental and dedicated to service. We are a gathering of the People of God where The Gospel announces and proclaims the freedom of the sons and daughters of God…it scrupulously respects the dignity of conscience and its freedom of choice, it never ceases to encourage the employment of human talent in the service of God and humankind, and…it commits everyone to the charity of all.”
Gaudium et Spes (the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World #41)
We are building a house where all are welcome!
We are building a house where love dwells and all can safely love, a place where hearts learn to forgive. We have built it with hopes, dreams, visions, faith, and grace. In our house, “the love of Christ ends divisions.” All are welcome in our community!
Together we are building a house “where prophets speak, where our words are strong and true, where all God’s people dare to seek and to dream God’s reign anew.” In our house, “the cross stands as witness and symbol of God’s grace.” In our house, as one, “we claim the faith of Jesus.” All are welcome in our community!
We are building a house where love is found in the “water, wine and wheat, a banquet hall on holy ground, where peace and justice meet.” In our house the love of God, through Jesus, “is revealed in time and space, as we share the feast that frees us.” All are welcome in our community!