Apostolic Times

Mary Magdala Community

Wisdom – the Tie that Binds

“Wisdon – the Tie that Binds” © by Rev. Jim Ryan, jimryan6885@gmail.com Homily Thoughts on Feast of the Holy Family, 2015 The entry way to our house is especially cluttered these days. Along with the usual flotsam and jetsam additional items have been included. There now, have been added two satellite receiver boxes (or whatever…
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Knowing in the Dark – Reaching & (W)Resting

“Knowing in the Dark – Reaching & (W)Resting” © by Rev. Jim Ryan, jimryan6885@gmail.com Homily Thoughts on 4th Sunday of Advent, 2015 Monday is Winter Solstice which means, for us in this space of the western hemisphere, Monday is the shortest day of the year and Monday night is the longest night of the year.…
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‘Tis the Season but What’s the Question?

‘Tis the Season, but What’s the Question? © by Rev. Jim Ryan, jimryan6885@gmail.com So I find myself on the First Sunday of Advent in a church, let’s call it the cathedral church of an upper Midwest city, because it’s Thanksgiving weekend and it’s the annual gathering of one side of our families. To be familial…
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Summer’s a comin’ — the power of an idea

“’Summer’s a comin’ – the power of an idea” © by Rev. Jim Ryan, jimryan6885@gmail.com Homily Thoughts on 33nd Sunday of Ordinary Time As the liturgical cycle concludes, as it always does, with a consideration of “Final Things” today’s Gospel speaks of end-time. It occurs to me that the message of end-of-time and second coming…
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The Gift & The Riddle

“The Gift & The Riddle” ©       by Rev. Jim Ryan, jimryan6885@gmail.com Back in the day, at this end-time of both the calendar year and the liturgical cycle, Parish Missions took place in many local Catholic churches. Those of a certain age will remember the preachers coming to their parish to spend a week of evening…
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Demons in Face of Salvation

Demons in face of Salvation © by Rev. Jim Ryan, jimryan6885@gmail.com Seasonal change has come again. This one is that of reduced light and increased dark. This one is that of bringing in the harvest now that Spring’s sowing and Summer’s growing has proven productive. This one is of moving indoors – snow is not…
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One in the Many

“One in the Many” © by Rev. Jim Ryan, jimryan6885@gmail.com Celebrating the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 18, 2015 So, last Wednesday was one of those crisp and clear Fall days in Wisconsin that shocks a person into an immediate sense of the beauty that surrounds us. As the French philosopher Blaise Pascal said,…
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Bring Me an Easter Lily in the Fall

Bring Me an Easter Lily in the Fall © by Rev. Jim Ryan, jimryan6885@gmail.com It’s October 1. Easter Lilies are blooming in our garden. That may seem a bit against the natural cycle of things, nature wherein white lilies appear at Easter, you know, in the Spring. Well, first of all we’re probably all clear…
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Branded yet Reforming

“Branded yet reforming” © by Rev. Jim Ryan, jimryan6885@gmail.com For some reason Pope Francis’ visits to Cuba and the United States have raised a resurgence of brand loyalty in me, perhaps in you also. Those of us who have the brand of “Roman Catholic” imprinted on us and in us may have had moments of…
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“What’s an inclusive, progressive Catholic to do …. next?”

“What’s an inclusive, progressive Catholic to do ….. next?”© by Rev. Jim Ryan, jimryan6885@gmail.com You find yourself, after signing the petitions, writing the letters, demonstrating, protesting…. You find yourself after educating yourself, attending the conferences, reaching out for mutual understanding…. You find yourself after praying with and for each other, sharing the depth of each…
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