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Mary Magdala Community

“The Freedom of a Priestly People: Unity & Diversity in the same breath”

“The Freedom of a Priestly People: Unity & Diversity in the same breath”(c)   11th Sunday in Ordinary Time —  June 16, 2024 Rev. Jim Ryan, M.Div., Ph.D.  — Pastor,  Mary Magdala Community, We can be thankful, I think, that when Jesus gave a vision of how he saw the impact of his…
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“Where have you gone, Essential Intermediary?” (apologies to Mrs. Robinson)

Rev. Jim Ryan, M.Div, Ph.D. Mary Magdala Community, Milwaukee Corpus Christi is a covenantal feast.  Look over today’s readings and this jumps out at you.  From the sprinkling of blood in Exodus through the triumphant Christ of the Hebrews fulfilling his mission, to the very words of sacramental giving and nourishing spoken by Jesus in…
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Pentecost: Thought to Thought, Heart to Heart

“Pentecost: Thought to Thought & Heart to Heart”(c)   Pentecost —  May 19 , 2024 Pastor,  Mary Magdala Community, Rev. Jim Ryan, M.Div., Ph.D.  — I thought it would be amusing to have AI write a Pentecost homily; amusing in the ironic sense that a digitally generated message could ever speak the language…
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Faith in Wonder & Mystery

“Faith in Wonder & Mystery”(c) Feast of Ascension and Mother’s Day —  May 12 , 2024 Rev. Jim Ryan, M.Div., Ph.D.  — Pastor,  Mary Magdala Community, Serene Jones is President of Union Theological Seminary (UTS) in New York City.  A scholar in her own right, she has held this leadership role for 16…
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Social Catholicism and remembering Paul & Barbara Misner

“Social Catholicism and Remembering Paul & Barbara Misner”(c) 3rd Sunday of Easter —  April 14, 2024 Rev. Jim Ryan, M.Div., Ph.D.  — Pastor,  Mary Magdala Community, Paul and Barbara Misner played a large role in the decision Jean and I made to come to Wisconsin.  Barb and Jean were Servite Sisters who taught…
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Entering into Promise

“Entering into Promise”(c) Palm Sunday–  March 24, 2024 Rev. Jim Ryan, M.Div., Ph.D.  — Pastor,  Mary Magdala Community, Our Lenten journey transitions this week from a season of renewal in faith to accompanying Jesus and his followers with a focus on the Paschal Mystery, on Jesus’ dying and rising.  One last time we…
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When ordinary becomes extraordinary

When ordinary becomes extraordinary © 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time —  January 14, 2024 Rev. Jim Ryan, PhD  — Pastor,  Mary Magdala Community, In the past I think I have made it clear that when I find myself in need of a poem to settle my unsettled thoughts, my first recourse is to…
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On the Road (Again)

On the Road (again) 3rd  Sunday in Ordinary Time —  January 21, 2024 Rev. Jim Ryan, M.Div., Ph.D.  — Pastor,  Mary Magdala Community, We are at the start of Year B in the 3 yr. liturgical cycle.  I am a great fan of the Gospel of Mark, the synoptic designation for Year B. …
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What’s My Story of Jesus?

6th  Sunday in Ordinary Time —  February 11, 2024 Rev. Jim Ryan, M.Div., Ph.D.  — Pastor,  Mary Magdala Community, It has taken 5 weeks in the Lectionary calendar to hear and reflect upon the 1st chapter of the Gospel of Mark.  This has been the time between Epiphany and Ash Wednesday.   Each Sunday…
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Exodus: Holy Liberation

3rd Sunday in Lent —  March 3, 2024 Rev. Jim Ryan, M.Div., Ph.D.  — Pastor,  Mary Magdala Community, This Lent I have been taken with the Exodus story.  Chapters 1-14 of the book of Exodus tell the story of the liberation of the Israelites.  That’s what the Jewish people were called in those…
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